On the following pages you will find information on how to join the Post, History of the Post, Post meetings and Officers. Also information on Post activities and events along with pictures from past Post events.
POST #4264 MEETS MONTHLY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AT THE CALL OF THE COMMANDER ON THE 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:00 P.M. AND MEETINGS ARE HELD AT THE STEAMBOAT SPRINGS COMMUNITY CENTER, 1605 LINCOLN AVE. VFW POST #4264 OFFICERS FOR 2024: COMMANDER: Jeff Steck SR. VICE COMMANDER: Michael Lozano JR. VICE COMMANDER: Cesar Rosati QUARTERMASTER: Larry Monger ADJUTANT: Jim Stanko VETERAN SERVICE OFFICER: Garfield Williams CHAPLIN: Fred Sandelin HOW TO JOIN: Please consider joining VFW Post #4264. As a Post we are not very demanding on a members time. The Post meets at least 6 times during the year. Some of these meetings are joint meetings with the American Legion. Meeting times and dates are listed below. The current Post membership is 95 members and most are life members. Of the membership, 60 are living out of the Steamboat area or they are World War II veterans and not active in the Post. Post dues are $35.00, which includes membership in the State and National VFW Departments. Membership runs from 1 July to 30 June of each year. You can join at any time and depending on when you join the dues may be adjusted to reflect months remaining. Most important, with you dues you will start receiving the VFW monthly magazine which has interesting articles and important information. Post activities include furnishing honor guards for families that request military honors for their loved ones, the annual Memorial Day Ceremony, 4th of July, Labor Day Air Show and Veteran Day activities with the local schools. The Post also promotes the youth programs of the VFW and has worked with several Eagle Scouts on their projects. The Post also hosts "turkey bingo" in November. Funds from these bingo games are donated to various local community projects. Your membership is also important because it counts on the State and National levels for helping the VFW lobby for veteran issues. In the past, the VFW has been a leader in getting the G.I. Bills passed, and these have helped not only older veterans, but the younger and just discharged veterans. It is important that the VFW continues to lobby for benefits that will help our OIF and OEF veterans. The Auxiliary has 33 current members and helps the Post with many of its activities. The Auxiliary also assists with several community projects. For information on the Auxiliary contact Val Bussey at (970) 819-3197. If you would like to join please fill our CONTACT FORM and a representative will meet with you to help complete your application. |